Innovative technology is for everyone. Let's build an accessible, digital world together.

We 💛 projects with societal impact. Whether they are related to health, education, sustainability, inclusion or diversity... we love putting our skills to good use.

Shannon in front and Alex in the back, professionally dressed and smiling at the camera.
Motivated duo who think along to achieve a finished result. Enthusiastic and clear in communication. Great collaboration!

Tom Termote, Lecturer & researcher at Vives

Goomyx represents...

Do good

Websites and apps are wonderful tools that can help a lot of people. We use our design, development, orthopedagogical and social justice skills to contribute to a better tomorrow, one project at a time.


We don’t develop your website or app for you, we develop it with you. We like to think along with you. Wondering what such a cooperation can look like? Check out our process


The eternal debate, should it be beautiful or usable? That doesn't really have to be a choice. We strive to mix both of these aspects to their full potential.


We strive for a digital world in which everyone is included. Websites and apps are therefore ideally to be operated in different ways, via a mouse and keyboard, via touchscreen, via a screen reader.... Not everyone uses technology the same way. Let's explore together how your digital tool can reach more people.

We worked with these lovely organisations...

Logo Hogeschool Vives
Logo Lemcko & Universiteit Gent (Campus Kortrijk)
Logo De Juiste Job
Logo AZ Delta
Logo konekt

Do you have a great project idea? Let's discuss over your favourite beverage!